Saturday, March 3, 2012

Upcoming Events

Please register and attend the Blagden Alley Naylor Court Association / Logan Circle Citizens Association joint happy hour to be held at Tortino on Tuesday March 6 Complimentary appetizers will be provided along with drink specials from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.   Registration is free but appreciated so we have a good head count, find that at:
Here is the link to Tortino Restaurant it is located at 1228 11th Street.

The next Blagden Alley Naylor Court Association meeting will be on Thursday March 15, 7-8:30 PM. Ron and Clarence have offered to host again, 1241 10th Street.  At minimum we will hear from Frederik De Pue Executive Chef / Owner of to discuss the new restaurant at 903 N Street and a return visit from  to discuss their proposal at 9th and N. They did get a full review at the CDC last week.
I am also hoping that we will hear again from the 926N architects although they appear to be pressing ahead with HPRB, they were unable to update their design before the last CDC meeting so I think we'd all be interested in seeing where things stand.

We have all seen the plans for the three new townhouses, the Stables, to be developed at 1321-1325 Naylor Court NW.  The hearing will be on Tuesday March 6 at One Judiciary Square
441 4th Street, NW start time is 0930 although this is case is listed third:  Case # 18318, Application of KB Developers (that is Kevin Batteh).    Here is the specific language: (Area Variance) Pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3103.2, for a variance from the lot width and area requirements under subsection 401.3, and a variance from the lot occupancy requirements under subsection 403.2, to allow the construction of three one-family row dwellings on alley lots in the R-4 District at premises 1321 Naylor Court, N.W. (Square 367, Lot 862).
If you haven't seen it here are the plans from the developers web page:

Since we voted to support it months ago I submitted the following letter in support of the requested variances, updated from what was sent some months ago for the preliminary review:

29 February 2012
Board of Zoning Adjustment
RE: 1321-1325 Naylor Court NW

I am writing as the President of the Blagden Alley Naylor Court Association, which represents owners and businesses in the area between 9th and 11th and Mass Avenue and P Streets NW, located in ANC2F06.  Also I reside at 1327 10th Street NW, which backs onto Naylor Court directly across the Court from 1321-1325 Naylor Court.  In addition I own an adjacent Carriage House at 1330 Naylor Court NW, which is also directly across from the subject property. 

The association and I fully support KB Developers proposal to construct three single-family townhouses on the R4 lot at 1321-1325 Naylor Court NW.  We have a strong interest in bringing more residential life to residentially zoned Naylor Court.  The proposed density of these three townhouses is appropriate for what is allowed on a 4750 square foot residential zoned R4 lot.  I also support the granting of all three minor BZA variances required for this project to proceed for lot area, lot width and lot occupancy. Given the extra hardships and challenges involved in developing a residential property in an alley/court, and I have great experience with such challenges from developing 1330 Naylor Court, I would appreciate any extra cooperation and support that DC agencies can provide KB Developers as they move forward to develop this property.  These are reasonable and very minor variances, which do not create any precedence given the unique location with an historic court. The proposed designs are exceptional and frankly more than any of us in the neighborhood could have hoped for.

An additional compelling reason for approving this development as quickly as possible has to do with safety.  As a parent, Naylor Court remains of questionable safety for my 11 and 13 year old children to walk to and from the metro (typically on their way to/from school) or to just do things as simple as throwing the football around.  Quick development of the dilapidated properties at 1321-1325 Naylor Court will add three additional households which will at least double the number of residents in Naylor Court whose eyes and ears will contribute to the residential fabric and enhance the livability and safety for all.  Please grant quick approval so the project may proceed in haste to add these additional residential properties to our neighborhood, making a substantial enhancement to the tax rolls, and increasing our day-to-day safety.