Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Meeting Agenda for Thursday 17 May 2012 7-8:30PM

Our Next Meeting is Thursday May 17th @ Chatman's D'Vine Bakery and Cafe, 1239 9th Street ( on the North East side of the Convention Center) from 7-8:30 PM

Come and enjoy a sampling of her delicious cooking and baking!!


**Police Report - Sgt. Terestre and Lt. Carroll
** Final Review of plans for the 9th and N Project by CasReigler (Robin Bettarel, Director of Development and Jeff Goins, Architect)
**Short updates as we know them on:

 - "Table" 903 N Street expected opening date Sept/Oct
 -  926 N Street New Construction likely start by the end of the year, 
 -  Naylor Court Stables:
** Summary of Mood Lounge Meeting by James Bulger (confirmed)
**Events committee, summer plans, fall picnic by Ms. Blakeslee

**Would like to ask for a vote in support of making the buildings at 11th and K historic - owned by Jemal who has filed a demolition permit - these are the last few of what K Street used to look like and should be saved!

Blagden Alley Naylor Court Association
Greg Melcher, President