Monday, January 30, 2012

Meeting minutes from Jan 19 2012 BANCA Meeting

BANCA Jan. 19, 2012

Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm


ü  Police are rearranging assignments this month, so are not attending any ANC or community meetings; Sgt. Terestre will continue to represent our area, so far as we know.

ü  Neighbors shared news of a street mugging in 1200 block of 10th Street at 7:30 am on 1/17. It was suggested that anyone wishing to get information like this is in real time should follow DCAlerts on Twitter.

ü  On Thursday night Jan 26, there was a stabbing murder on 7th Street.  The person was stabbed outside of the Kennedy Rec Center, ran into the building, collapsed and died.


ü  Discussion of upcoming meeting locations: Tom Powers of Corduroy has offered to host a meeting connected to the opening of Velour.  We are planning additional meetings in local restaurants and will have a shared event with LCCA.

ü  The delayed vote for officers was held, given that the meeting had a quorum of members. Calls for candidates have been published in the past several association emails; a discussion of roles and request for volunteers was also part of the November meeting. The nominated slate was unanimously voted in:
§  Greg Melcher – president
§  Betsy Garside – vice president
§  Jim Loucks – treasurer
§  Karen Keegan – membership
§  Elizabeth Blakeslee – events
§  Seat of secretary is open, no candidates yet

ü  Discussion of recruitment for secretary, an important yet relatively easy role, the sole duties being to attend meetings and write minutes for distribution to the email list. David Salter’s noble and thorough service was recognized again. Anyone wishing to serve as secretary for the rest of 2012 please don’t hesitate to raise your hand!


ü  Discussion of recent Mood Lounge hearing. The club has reopened for now, while ABRA works its way through the numerous complaints filed about Mood regularly over the past months. An article from the front page of the January 18 “Georgetown Current” reports both the reopening and the dismay of Councilmember Jack Evans:

ü  Neighbors shared the news that Rogue 24 chef RJ Cooper's surgery went well, and that there will be rotating chefs at the restaurant over the next few weeks. The association sent its regards to the chef for a speedy recovery.  Details at

ü  Discussion of real estate changes/sales/projects in the neighborhood
§  M Street between 9th and 10th
§  The Opal Project (Naylor Court) please see the pictures here:
§  A newly proposed project for the United House of Prayer Project at 926 N Street NW, please see initial renderings here courtesy of the CCCA website.  Note that while the building does appear large for the location, the address is C2A thanks to the rezoning of Blagden Alley some years ago and they are permitted to go 50 feet in height, no floor limit and a FAR of 2.5, while occupying up to 100% of the property,  also note that no parking is required in a historic district but this project does appear to include a parking space for each residential unit:

ü  Kudos given to new-ish local blog,, which chronicles the charming aspects of the Blagden Alley/Naylor Court neighborhood, along with the neighborhood’s development and challenges to that development.

ü  Discussion of the question of an overlay for the neighborhood as a way to foster sustainable, healthy development. The point was raised that there are additional options for shaping growth – such as correcting ABRA laws.

ü  The next meeting will be on Thursday 17 Feb at the home of Ron and Clarence 1241 10th Street NW at 7PM.